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Leveraging Google Trends Data to Produce Better Marketing

Mar 2, 2023Business, Business Development, Marketing0 comments

Leveraging Google Trends Data to Produce Better Marketing

by Lindsey Underwood Moers | Read by Kayla

In today’s fast-paced business world, the ability to stay ahead of the competition is a key factor in the success of any entrepreneur or marketer. Google Trends is an essential tool that can help businesses gain a competitive edge by providing valuable insights into consumers’ latest trends and search behavior. 


With Google Trends, you can stay ahead of the curve and gain insights that can help improve your bottom line. In this article, we’ll explore creative ways entrepreneurs and marketers can use Google Trends to gain a competitive edge.

What is Google Trends?


Google Trends is a free tool that allows users to explore how often particular keywords are searched on Google. It can also help to analyze a topic’s popularity over time and compare the popularity of different keywords or topics. Users can access Google Trends by visiting the website or by using the Google Trends API.

Understanding the Data


Before using Google Trends to your advantage, it’s important to understand how to interpret the data. The tool provides a numerical value for each search term, which is based on the popularity of that term relative to other terms during the specified time period. The higher the value, the more popular the search term.


Google Trends also allows users to see related search terms, which can help to identify potential opportunities for expanding your business. By exploring related topics, entrepreneurs and marketers can uncover new trends and find new markets to target.


Creative Ways To Use Google Trends Data to Improve Marketing Endeavors

  • Identify popular search terms related to your products or services and use them to inform your SEO strategy.
  • Use Google Trends to identify regional differences in search behavior and create localized marketing campaigns that cater to specific regions or demographics.
  • Identify trends in consumer behavior that can help you to create targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with your target audience.
  • Use Google Trends to identify emerging trends and topics relevant to your business and create timely and relevant content.
  • Analyze search trends related to your competitors and use this information to inform your own marketing strategy.
  • Identify micro-markets that may be overlooked by competitors and create marketing campaigns that target these specific regions.
  • Use Google Trends to identify the most popular search terms related to your industry, and use this information to create targeted advertising campaigns.
  • Analyze search trends related to your products or services and use this information to improve your product offerings or develop new products.
  • Use Google Trends to identify social media influencers in your industry and build partnerships that benefit both parties.
  • Analyze seasonal trends in search behavior and create marketing campaigns that are relevant to specific seasons or holidays.
  • Identify topics and keywords that are trending in your industry and use this information to inform your content marketing strategy.
  • Use Google Trends to identify the most popular questions related to your products or services and create content that answers these questions.
  • Analyze search trends related to your products or services and use this information to optimize your product descriptions and messaging.
  • Identify niche markets that are growing in popularity and create marketing campaigns that cater to these markets.
  • Use Google Trends to identify the most popular search terms related to your industry and use this information to inform your PPC advertising campaigns.
  • Analyze search trends related to your products or services and use this information to optimize your website’s user experience.
  • Identify the most popular types of content in your industry and use this information to inform your content marketing strategy.
  • Use Google Trends to identify the most popular social media platforms in your industry and use this information to inform your social media strategy.
  • Identify the most popular keywords related to your industry and use this information to optimize your website’s metadata.
  • Analyze search trends related to your products or services and use this information to create targeted email marketing campaigns.


Real-World Use Cases

Chanel + Google Trends

In 2019, the luxury fashion brand, Chanel, wanted to increase sales of its popular Rouge Coco lipstick collection. To achieve this goal, the company turned to Google Trends to identify the most popular lipstick shades and search terms related to lipstick.


Using this data, Chanel created a targeted marketing campaign that emphasized the most popular lipstick shades and positioned their Rouge Coco collection as the go-to lipstick for on-trend colors. The campaign included social media ads and influencer partnerships that highlighted the most popular shades in the collection.


As a result of this targeted marketing campaign, Chanel saw a significant increase in sales of their Rouge Coco lipstick collection. According to an article in Glossy, sales of the collection increased by 45% in the U.S. during the first six months of the campaign.


This case study highlights how the use of Google Trends data can help businesses to identify the most popular search terms and consumer behavior related to their products and use this information to create targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with their target audience. By analyzing Google Trends data and using it to inform their marketing strategy, businesses can increase the effectiveness of their marketing efforts and drive more sales.



Glossy (2019), Chanel’s Google Trends strategy boosted lipstick sales 45%.


Boohoo + Google Trends

In 2018, the online fashion retailer, Boohoo, wanted to increase sales of its holiday clothing collection. To achieve this goal, the company turned to Google Trends to identify the most popular search terms related to holiday fashion and travel.


Using this data, Boohoo was able to create a targeted marketing campaign that emphasized holiday fashion and positioned their collection as the perfect choice for travel outfits. The campaign included social media ads, influencer partnerships, and email marketing campaigns that highlighted the most popular items in the collection.


As a result of this targeted marketing campaign, Boohoo saw a significant increase in sales of its holiday clothing collection. According to an article in Econsultancy, sales of the collection increased by 142% during the first four weeks of the campaign.


This case study demonstrates how the use of Google Trends data can help businesses to identify the most popular search terms and consumer behavior related to their products and use this information to create targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with their target audience. By analyzing Google Trends data and using it to inform their marketing strategy, businesses can increase the effectiveness of their marketing efforts and drive more sales.



Econsultancy (2018), How Boohoo used Google Trends to increase holiday clothing sales by 142%

In Conclusion

In conclusion, using Google Trends can provide businesses with valuable insights into their target audience’s search behavior and preferences and help them create targeted marketing campaigns that drive more conversions and increase sales. 


By analyzing search data related to their products or services, businesses can identify trends and consumer behavior and use this information to inform their marketing strategy. From identifying the most popular search terms and social media platforms to creating content that resonates with a specific audience and optimizing website metadata, businesses can use Google Trends to improve their marketing efforts and increase their bottom line. 


As demonstrated by real-life case studies, using Google Trends can be an effective way for businesses to gain a competitive advantage in their industry and achieve their marketing goals.


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